We all know that society has been changing at an unprecedented rate recently, but it's almost as if we've had no time to think about these changes. When you compare how our lives were 10 or 15 years ago with what they look like now in terms of family structure and culture - well, let me tell ya, there are some big differences!
We changed how raising children is done back then compared to today; communication styles - verbal expression (spoken) or nonverbal expressions such as body posture, etc.; work ethic/playtime habits… the list goes on ad infinitum. So given enough history hindsight, I'm sure everyone can agree: "Yes! This shift seems imminent." Take a look and see for yourself!
1. We used to call a taxi by waving our hands only a decade ago, and today we can call a taxi using a smartphone app.
2. We needed to go to a DVD rental store to rent a new movie in the late 2000s; now new movies can be found on our smartphones.
3. Our headphones have “lost” their wires. No more tangles!
4. This is how an iPhone has changed over the past decade.
5. Major smartphone functions have moved onto our wristwatches.
6. Robots have evolved as well.
7. Many of us now work remotely, and our offices can look any way we want.
8. Space travel has become more accessible. More and more tourists have visited the ISS, and now we even shoot films there.
9. Remember how we used to take selfies with digital cameras back in the late 2000s?
10. This is how the Dubai marina has changed since 2007.
11. The onscreen image of the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella has also undergone dramatic changes.
12. The image of a top model has become more diverse over the past decade.
13. Adult celebrities now choose MET Gala events to look more risky, eye-catching, and sometimes even crazy.
14. Many kids have switched from traditional toys to gadgets.
Which one shocked you the most? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Can you think of any other sphere of life that has changed dramatically over the last decade?