When you work with Karens, it’s essential to be smart enough for the situation. Some toxic employees will try their best so that others won’t get ahead or have any reputation left–they’re just bitching about everything in general and taking up space! People need to keep an eye out on anyone like this because if not appropriately handled, things could end badly for everyone involved; meanwhile, only ourselves suffer when one person doesn’t behave.

Today, we have a pro revenge story of a Facility Manager (u/ImThe1Wh0) who has an entitled Karen at his job. Of course, this Karen always complains and bitch about everything. But this facility manager knew exactly how to put this Karen in her place. He did something that made his boss laugh and gave him air-high fives, which is an excellent way of dealing with entitled people like her (Karen).

Scroll down for the whole story.

1. OP is the building’s facility manager, and he is responsible for everything that occurs.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

2. There is a counselor named Karen in the building.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

3. Karen was complaining to OP’s boss about her keycard not working as well.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

4. Karen was irritated that she had lost access to the Master keycard.

Via u/ImThe1Wh0

5. Karen’s status was downgraded to room only by OP.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

6. Be careful what you wish for.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

7. People are pleased when they witness a Karen takedown.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

8. Karen lied to put the facility manager’s job in jeopardy in front of his boss.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

9. OP said everything with a grin on his face as if it were a joke.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

Some have advised OP to “be cautious,” as Karen can influence anything. She might quickly transform it into bullying, harassment, or any other form of retaliation to exact her revenge. On the other hand, OP is astute and knows how to handle the situation. It’s amusing how her complaint backfired on her. Something like that would have never occurred to her. Scroll down to see what other people have to say about Karen.

10. The golden rule is to keep a record of everything.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

11. Be careful about your demands.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

12. Auditing keycards is a pain!

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

13. People must be grateful to OP for limiting Karen’s access.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

14. Is it possible that OP gave up on her nefarious demands?

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

15. We’re hoping they don’t find out you’re carrying cards.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

16. Kit = Karen in Training.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

17. Tell her it’s fixed first; if she finds out it isn’t, she’ll come back crying.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

18. Karen would not bother OP in any way.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

19. When someone believes they’re brilliant yet ends up in trouble, it’s a guilty pleasure.

Image: u/ImThe1Wh0

Have you ever come across an entitled Karen at work? What steps did you take to get them in place? Please leave a comment below to let us know what you think.

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