We, humans, are a strange bunch. We’ll lose it if you cut us off in traffic. If you put too much milk in our coffee, we’ll inform your management. We’ll fawn all over an image of a neatly mowed lawn. However, I’m not sure if we’re difficult or easy to please. However, the r/OddlySatisfying subreddit can achieve it with ease. It’s similar to eye treatment. However, it also relaxes the mind.

It was founded in May 2013 and has now grown to a 6.5-million-member community, with thousands online at any given time, sharing all the fun things they come across. Like two kitties snoozing in their food bowls. Or arranged snow slabs that resemble a modern gigantic sculpture.

In this blog post, we have added 50 such pictures. Scroll down and enjoy these eye candies.

1. My Dad Laid New Decking Around An Old Tree!

Image: reddit.com

2. These Leaves In This Tree

Image: reddit.com

3. I Was Told On A Couple Of Art Subreddits You All Might Appreciate My Art

Image: reddit.com

4. This Mystique Cosplay Mid Merge (By Magnetomystique)

Image: reddit.com

5. This Cake (Credit: Malizzi Cakes)

Image: reddit.com

6. Amazingly Well-Stacked Carrots On A Pickup

Image: reddit.com

7. This Boulder With Stretched Bronze Does It For Me

Image: reddit.com

8. A Single Fallen Tree Holding Back The Duckweed In The Wetlands Of Louisiana

Image: reddit.com

9. These Rhubarb Pies

Image: reddit.com

10. I’m An Art Teacher, And I Moved To A New School This Past Summer. The Previous Teacher Did Not Share My Love Of Organization. Behold The Before And After Of My Paper Closet!

Image: reddit.com

11. The Way The Veins Of The Leaf Align On The Creases Of The Hand

Image: reddit.com

12. My Friend Let Her Chickens Loose On A Watermelon. They Picked It Clean

Image: reddit.com

13. The Way The Snow Accumulated

Image: reddit.com

14. My Succulent’s Offshoot

Image: reddit.com

15. San Francisco Black Victorian

Image: reddit.com

16. This Scoop Of Peanut Butter

Image: reddit.com

17. I Kept On Passing This, So On The Third Night I Decided To Take A Picture

Image: reddit.com

18. Beautiful Apple Carving

Image: reddit.com

19. This Pic Of An Ending Day

Image: reddit.com

20. Perfect Resemblance Between Parrot And Mango

Image: GraveBreath

21. A Picture Demonstrating How Smoke Is Particulate Matter Suspended In Air

Image: reddit.com

22. This Rubber Band Stuck In My Shoe

Image: reddit.com

23. A Flower I Found In Hawaii A Few Months Ago

Image: reddit.com

24. Piano Cake. Unbelievable To Look At. Very Talented Chef

Image: reddit.com

25. Another Finished Quilt Made By My Wife

Image: reddit.com

26. Does Anyone Else Love Maps Like These?

Image: reddit.com

27. Photo Of The Moon And A Plane

Image: reddit.com

28. My Friends Basement Organization Is Something Else

Image: reddit.com

29. My Mom Works At Amazon And She Sent Me A Photo Of One Of The Trucks She Loaded

30. This Smoothie After Being Blended

Image: reddit.com

31. Gummy Bear Gift Box For An Autistic Date

Image: reddit.com

32. Found An Old Photo Of My Brother And I (I’m Now 28)

Image: reddit.com

33. Perfectly Round Egg

Image: reddit.com

34. The Arrangement Of These Bubbles Looks Like Europe And Asia

Image: reddit.com

35. Untouched Snow Is So Satisfying

Image: reddit.com

36. My 7 Layer Jello

Image: reddit.com

37. I Was Really Proud Of My Edge Today

Image: reddit.com

38. Colours Of the American Midwest

Image: reddit.com

39. When Your New Dock Supervisor Is Fresh Out Of The Military

Image: reddit.com

40. My Pretty Stack Of Mini Pancakes

Image: reddit.com

41. Before u0026amp; After Paint Job

Image: reddit.com

42. My Neighbors Tree Has The Perfect Fall Gradient

Image: reddit.com

43. Droplets On A Car Windshield During Sunset

Image: reddit.com

44. Tree’s Shadow

Image: reddit.com

45. Perfectly Cozy, Curled Up Cats

Image: reddit.com

46. Perfect Snowflake That Fell On My Coat Yesterday

Image: reddit.com

47. This Welding Job

Image: reddit.com

48. The Way This Cat Blends Into The Wood

Image: reddit.com

49. This Clean Ice

Image: reddit.com

50. This Sauna In Finland

Image: reddit.com

So, out of all of these oddly satisfying things, which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below your favorite oddly satisfying thing and why it appeals to you. We would love to hear from you!

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