When you go outside, it’s always a gamble. Sun? Cloudy? Hot? Cold? Mildew in the air? It’s all a crapshoot. Sometimes, Mother Nature pulls one over on us humans, delivering something so unforeseen and sucky that we can’t help but exclaim, “well, that sucks.”

Here are 50 of those times nature made people say just that. (And don’t worry – we’ve got a little bit of humor thrown in there to make things feel just a tiny bit better.) So, scroll down and see them for yourself.

1. My Mailbox Was Blown Up By Lightning Last Night

Image: bytorthesnowdog

2. What It’s Like Escaping The Fires In Oregon. They Lived A Mile Away From Blue River, Oregon

Image: basshead541

3. In Ten Seconds, I’m Going To Discover The Value Of Lifejackets And Renter’s Insurance

Image: dbcannon

4. It’s Cold Outside

Image: LeKiipe

5. Parked My Jeep Under The Porch To Keep It Out Of The Weather

Image: glueall215

6. Lakefront Property During An Ice Storm

Image: jjlew080

7. It’s So Hot In Australia, Our Outdoor Lights Melted

Image: disnerdbeth

8. Yesterday Our Neighbor’s 80′ Locust Tree Gave Us Some Live Edge Sky Lights, A Great View Of The Stars, And That Rainforest Cafe Atmosphere That Our Living Room Had Always Been Missing. No Injuries, Dogs Pi**ed The Bed, Life Goes On

Image: Bloomshockalocka

9. Getting Away From An Erupting Volcano Today

Image: iweirdness

10. Hurricane Mitch Rendered The Choluteca Bridge (Honduras) Useless After It Changed The Course Of The River It Was Built For

Image: heckenyaax

11. Maybe A Bit Too Much Rain

Image: TomDobbs4Pres

12. When It Snows Before The Leaves Fall Off

Image: puernosapien

13. Spent 5 Hours Getting Chemotherapy This Morning, Came Home Feeling Like Crap. Laid Down To Nap… Alarms And Sirens Start Blasting. Rush 5 Cats To The Basement And Prep Shelter. Go Outside To See This In My Subdivision

Image: CastleOfBravo

14. Puerto Rican Natural Wonder, Punta Ventana, Collapsed Today After An Earthquake

Image: thenewyorkgod

15. Just Bought Our Dream Home Less Than 2 Months Ago. Tonight I Watched It Burn To The Ground In A Massive Wildfire

Image: deChoochifer

16. A Storm Came Through. The Plastic Furniture Barely Moved, But The Grill Blew 30 Ft Into The Pool

Image: sleepybuddha44

17. 10+ Mph Derecho Winds Impale House With Lawn Chair, Iowa 8/10

Image: johntaylorsbangs

18. Days Ago, My Parents And I Opened A New Takeout Restaurant. Today Hurricane Michael Destroyed It

Image: reddit.com

19. Don’t Leave Your Kayak Out In The Sun

Image: lol62056

20. For Sale!! 2001 Honda Civic, Great Condition (I Hope)

Image: Whisky4Breakfast

21. I Guess He’s Not Going Anywhere Till Summer

Image: gldaim

22. My Brother's Cabin (Which Is Now His Home Amid A Nasty Divorce) In Northern Ca. Took Him 5 Miles On A Snow Mobile To Find This After Leaving Town For A Week

Image: chantillylace9

23. Weather Patterns Don’t Care What Kind Of Car You Drive

Image: geek_fest

24. I Was In New York For The First Time In My Life. My Wife And I Spent Almost 10 Hours On A Plane, Crossed The Atlantic Ocean, And Flew 7,500 Kilometers. We Climbed The Top Of The Rock To Enjoy A View Of Central Park. We Had Only One Day In New York, And This View Will Always Be With

Image: prestoff

25. Main Water Valve Was Not Shut Off For The Winter In A Cabin

Image: kentiiboyy

26. Forgetting To Roll Up The Window All The Way

Image: Palifaith

27. It Was A Hot Day In Tallahassee

Image: bobathehut

28. Gift From Mother Nature

Image: sleepyhead242

29. If You Thought Smoking At A Gas Pump Was Bad

Image: Xplosiv27

30. My Backyard After The Gender Reveal Party On Saturday

Image: bwaddd

31. This Tree Was Uprooted In A Storm Last Night That Destroyed The Mans Garage And Two Of Us Vintage Cars

Image: MomButtsDriveMeNuts

32. When You Live In Svalbard, Norway, And Forget To Close The Window To The Home Office

Image: Kjakan

33. It’s Just A Little Ice, It’s Fine

Image: mikemike26

34. My Boss Told Me To At Least Try Shoveling Out And Come In Today. Saskatoon Sk, Canada (Red Car Is Mine)

Image: fiesel21

35. A Little Bit Of Rain In The Backyard. Husband For Scale. Note: We Don’t Usually Have A Lake In The Yard

Image: Queenofthebootystank

36. Wore Shorts To Work Last Night Because It Was 75 Degrees Out, This Is What It Looked Like Outside This Morning After My Shift

Image: PhatedGaming

37. I Guess You Shouldn’t Put Glass Windows Over Grass When It’s 22 Degrees Celsius

Image: YumLoopYT

38. Lamborghini Huracan Flooded Due To Rain In São Paulo. It Was Not Insured

Image: xXJamesScarXx

39. “20% Chance” Of Rain Overnight

Image: King_Baboon

40. Unforeseen Weather

Image: KevlarYarmulke

41. At Least He Got What He Asked

Image: Zoower

42. Summers In England

Image: Naggers123

43. It Might Rain Today, I Think I’ll Take My Umbrella Out… That Went Well!

Image: bumblebee

44. Hail Damage To Sun Roof

Image: ShoreSWBF

45. I Tried Going To Visit My Boyfriend On My Day Off, Had To Turn Around Because The Fires Opened A Portal To Hell

Image: kcgrace11

46. When The Earthquake Hits At The Wrong Time

Image: lol62056

47. It Has Been Some Bad Weather In Norway Lately

Image: hsangnaes

48. I Woke Up At 2:30 AM To Make A 2-Hour Drive-Up 10000 Feet To See The Sunrise Atop Haleakala. Have You Ever Seen Such Beauty?

Image: bradp36

49. Normal Day In Utah

Image: regian24

We hope you enjoyed this list of natural disasters. It’s important to remember that we are not in control when nature strikes, so it is always best to be prepared.

Have you ever been affected by a natural disaster? Let us know in the comments below.

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