We’ve all been there. We’ve all had that job that we hated, but we stuck with it because we thought it was the best we could do. We told ourselves that it was just a temporary situation and that things would get better. But they never did. And then one day, we just said “f*ck it” and quit. Here are 22 people who did just that and are now much happier for it.

1. Prove to your employer how much you’re worth.

Image:  Twitter

2. Things alter as time passes.

Image: Twitter

3. Gaslighting is something of a trend in the corporate world.

Image: Twitter

4. Bosses can be harsh.

Image: Twitter

5. There’s no need to show up in person to hand in your notice; simply TCS it and relax at home.

Image: Twitter

6. Long paragraphs aren’t just for ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. Fire back by pointing out what’s incorrect.

Image: Twitter

7. That is not the definition of job satisfaction.

Image: Twitter

8. Time to stop.

Image: Twitter

9. Print that text.

Image: Twitter

10. Quit those jobs and those medications.

Image: Twitter

11. Employees put in a lot of effort yet are nonetheless undervalued.

Image: Twitter

12. When it’s time to quit, there’s no need to back up. Just quit.

Image: Twitter

13. Changing your hair mask for a fresh hair loss treatment might be better.

Image: Twitter

14. As much as the marine life underneath the surface would understand your work stress, let’s not pollute our waters with phones.

Image: Twitter

15. That is straight-up racist.

Image: Twitter

16. The self-made entrepreneur of tomorrow.

Image: Twitter

17. It’s never too late to change your mind and follow what you want to do.

Image: Twitter

18. Medical personnel should be treated like humans.

Image: Twitter

19. Weekends are off-days, period.

Image: Twitter

20. When the time comes, the time comes.

Image: Twitter

21. Megan’s mother undoubtedly provided wise counsel.

Image: Twitter

22. Mental well-being and our strength are more essential than suffering.

Image: Twitter

It’s never too late to start fresh. Even if you have a job that pays the bills, doesn’t make your heart sing, and has no potential for growth or advancement, it may be time to take matters into your own hands and quit. Whether it is because of bad management, toxic co-workers, or an uninspiring work environment in general, people decide to leave their jobs with little notice.

We hope these stories inspire those who feel like they can’t do anything about the situation they’re currently in at work.

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