Some tattoos are easier to hide than others. Alan Powdrill, a photographer out of London, shot a photo series titled “Covered.” In the photo series, he shows side-by-side photos of average-looking people. In the left photo, the subject is fully clothed. In the right photo, the subject is undressed, exposing their beautiful full-body tattoos.

Each photograph you will see below has a comment from the sitter describing their story. Some have been getting tattoos from their teenage years, while some started in their 40-50s.

Scroll down to see the series.

1. Izzy, 48, Maidstone

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I love being different, and every day I’m asked about them. Good tattoos aren’t cheap, cheap tattoos are not good.”

2. James, 33, Brighton

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I was 16 and got a small lizard on my hip. My parents said, ‘how would I ever get a job!’”

3. Kimmy, 29, Ruislip

Image: Alan Powdrill

“My Kiss tattoos are my favorites, the pain was incredible, but it feels good to show my ultimate dedication to the band.”

4. Patrick, 34, Brighton

Image: Alan Powdrill

“My first tattoo was at 13 and was a secret for 10 years. It’s a part of me, and I’m never going to get old.”

5. Chris, 25, Coventry

Image: Alan Powdrill

“If I ever forget who I am, I take my clothes off and look in the mirror and find out who I am again.”

6. Ness, 40, Crawley

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I’m loving how they change as my body gets older, and the creases and wrinkles change how they look. When I’ve got no space below my neck, I’ll stop.”

7. Simon, 47, London

Image: Alan Powdrill

“As long as I get to the toilet and piss on my own, I don’t care what I look like when I’m older. I never intended to get this many, but I had an addictive personality.”

8. Matthew, 48, London

Image: Alan Powdrill

“They’re an expression of my journey through life, as my body ages, they take on a different appearance, ask me in 30 years how I feel.”

9. Sean, 26, Lincoln

Image: Alan Powdrill

“When I was 17, I thought I’d get as many tattoos as possible to look badass, but now I’m not bothered about looking cool.”

10. Carlos, 35, Bournemouth

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I was 15. My parents didn’t find out until I got my second at 18.”

11. Craig, 28, Welwyn

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I was 23 and got the wrestler CM Punk on my arm. My mum said, ‘How could you deface the body I gave you?’”

12. Philip, 27, Southend-on-Sea

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I was 17. I hid the first few from my parents for many years, and by the time they found out they knew this was going to be my life.”

13. Simon, 45, Clacton-on-Sea

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I was 14, and my mum said if I get another one she’d kick me out of the house.”

14. Stefano, 33, London

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I love every inch of my skin, but I love my back mostly because I’ve been waiting for 17 years to get it done, and it’s exactly how I wanted it.”

15. Gareth, 37, Potters Bar

Image: Alan Powdrill

“What’s the point of worrying about the next 10-30 years, I might not be here by then so enjoy the now.”

16. Unsal, 46, Hastings

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I’m beyond the stopping point now. It fucking hurts like a shit man, but I wouldn’t change my look for the world.”

17. Graham, 58, Cleethorpes

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I was 51 when I started, and my father was already dead, and my mum didn’t say anything as she was in the early stages of dementia

18. Alex, 49, Whitby

Image: Alan Powdrill

“Me mum wasn’t happy at all about the swallow on my hand so I said ‘Look mum it’s not like I’m on the street doing heroin”

19. Dave, 66, Leyton

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I started in 1963 when I was 14, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”

20. Lillianna, 23, Hackney

Image: Alan Powdrill

“I don’t feel my opinion will change on my tattoos, I doubt I’ll have any regrets regardless of my age.”

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