If you want to be mentally strong, reading is key. These six books will teach you how to think more clearly, deal with stress and anxiety, and overcome adversity. By becoming a more mentally strong person, you'll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way. So why not start reading today?

The Courage To Be Disliked.

Is happiness something you choose for yourself? The Courage to Be Disliked presents a simple and straightforward answer. Using the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the three giants of nineteenth-century psychology alongside Freud and Jung, this book follows an illuminating dialogue between a philosopher and a young man. Over the course of five conversations, the philosopher helps his student to understand how each of us is able to determine the direction of our own life, free from the shackles of past traumas and the expectations of others.

Rich in wisdom, The Courage to Be Disliked will guide you through the concepts of self-forgiveness, self-care, and mind decluttering. It is a deeply liberating way of thinking, allowing you to develop the courage to change and ignore the limitations that you might be placing on yourself. This plainspoken and profoundly moving book unlocks the power within you to find lasting happiness and be the person you truly want to be. Millions have already benefited from its teachings, now you can too.

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THINK STRAIGHT: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

I know something about you without knowing you. I bet you spend A LOT of time in your head. You know, thinking, worrying, stressing, freaking out -- call it whatever you want. I call it a preoccupied mind. And with what? 99% of your thoughts are useless.

William James, once the leading psychologist in America, and one of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism, put it best: "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

Pragmatism believes that the mind is a tool. Your mind should work for you, not against you. People who don't master their minds, don't believe it's possible.

They say: "I can't help but thinking these things."

Well, you can TAKE CONTROL of your mind with enough practice. I've done it. And in THINK STRAIGHT, I share exactly how. It's a quick read and you can use it to immediately to improve your thinking.

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Believe in Yourself

"You were born to win, to conquer, and to overcome! The Intelligence, Wisdom, and Power of God are within you waiting to be released, and enabling you to rise above all difficulties." Dr. Murphy gives you in this book a universal guide in the art of making your life much more effective and satisfying by developing Belief in Your­self. The magic formula is, "All things are possible to him that Believeth." You want freedom, health, and hap­piness. You can have them by chang­ing your conscious belief to subcon­scious belief.


The story of Joseph will live forever. Joseph is Divine imagination. Dr. Murphy shows you the science of imagination in a vivid, intensely, prac­tical way. The "how" is portrayed through many case histories, and you learn to use the two great pillars of Truth - disciplined imagination plus faith - enabling you to realize your fondest dreams.

Here is a book that shows you how to believe and succeed. "The greatest and richest galleries of art in the world are the galleries of the mind devoted to God's Truths and Beauty."

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Reasons to Stay Alive

At the age of 24, Matt Haig's world caved in. He could see no way to go on living. This is the true story of how he came through crisis, triumphed over an illness that almost destroyed him and learned to live again.

A moving, funny and joyous exploration of how to live better, love better and feel more alive, Reasons to Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on earth.

"I wrote this book because the oldest clichés remain the truest. Time heals.The bottom of the valley never provides the clearest view. The tunnel does have light at the end of it, even if we haven't been able to see it . . . Words, just sometimes, really can set you free."

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Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings

Have you ever thought…

…about your thoughts?

Do you have a bias toward the negative?

Understanding how negative feelings and emotions work is the first step. Then we must learn how to reprogram those emotions and turn them around. A happier life is possible if you follow the steps.

This program works.

Over 100,000 copies sold.

It gives me a place to go to that makes me feel better about my present situation and gives me hope for the future.” - Kimberly

My biggest take away so far (I'm not yet finished with the entire book) is that I am NOT my emotions. Emotions come and I - I still am who I am!” - Itzel

You’ll learn:

  • 31 simple coping strategies
  • How to make your emotions work FOR you.
  • A formula to reprogram your mind
  • A free downloadable workbook, and much, much more!

The author was an introvert whose shyness kept him from getting the results in life he wanted. When he decided to devote his life to betterment, everything changed. This is his story and how he found joy.

It will be the blueprint for your transformation, too.

You’ll love this practical, no frills program, because the results are easy to achieve once you’ve decided to Master Your Emotions.

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Don't Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering

No matter what has happened to you, where you are from, or what you have done, you can still find total peace, unconditional love, complete fulfillment, and an abundance of joy in your life.

No person is an exception to this. Darkness only exists because of the light, which means even in our darkest hour, light must exist.

Within the pages of this book, contains timeless wisdom to empower you with the understanding of our mind’s infinite potential to create any experience of life that we want no matter the external circumstances.

‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think’ is not about rewiring your brain, rewriting your past, positive thinking or anything of the sort.

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. Tactics are temporary. An expansion of consciousness is permanent.

This book was written to help you go beyond your thinking and discover the truth of what you already intuitively know deep inside your soul.

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Reading these six books will help you develop mental strength and resiliency. By learning how to think more clearly, deal with stress and anxiety, and overcome adversity, you will be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way. These books offer valuable insight and wisdom that can help you transform your life for the better. So if you want to be mentally strong, pick up these books and start reading today.

Via Bookwisdom.

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