Trees are one of nature’s most magnificent creations. Towering high above the ground, they provide a home for animals, shade from the sun, and fresh air. Some trees are so big and beautiful that they become tourist destinations in their own right.

There’s something about trees that just makes you feel connected to nature. They’re so majestic and remind you of how big the world is. They make the world feel a little more green and alive. Trees are some of the most graceful and awe-inspiring beings on the planet, and there are so many fascinating specimens worldwide.

Here are 16 of the most magnificent trees – prepare to be amazed!

1. Japanese Maple In Portland, Oregon

Image: falcor88

If you’re ever in Portland, Oregon, and are looking for a beautiful piece of nature to admire, be sure to check out The Portland Japanese Garden, located at 611 SW Kingston Ave, Portland. This tree is stunning, and it’s worth taking the time to check it out!

2. Antarctic Beech Draped In Hanging Moss In Oregon

Image: Drew Hopper

“Antarctic beech stand draped in hanging moss, simply phenomenal. This surreal dreamland is of international and national significance for its biological and landscape values. It was listed on the World Heritage register in 1986 in recognition of its outstanding universal value to science and conservation, in particular the importance of the area as a refugium that has allowed the survival and evolution of rainforest species over geological time.”

3. Blooming Cherry Trees in Bonn, Germany

Image: Adas Meliauskas

Springtime in Germany means one thing: cherry trees are in full bloom! If you’re looking for a beautiful spot to take in the pink and white sights, head to Bonn. The city is home to around 1,200 cherry trees, which turn the streets into a picturesque wonderland each year. Bonus: the blossoms mark the beginning of the cherry season, so you can enjoy sweet treats like cherry strudel and cherry pie all month long!

4. Angel Oak In John’s Island In South Carolina

Image: Daniela Duncan

Angel Oak Park is located on Johns Island, where you can find what is known as “A Lowcountry Treasure.” The Southern Live Oak tree is a historical site and focal point of one of the City of Charleston’s public parks. It is considered the largest Live Oak Tree east of the Mississippi, estimated to be 300 to 400 years old. The tree is 65 feet high with a circumference of 25.5 feet, shading an area of 17,000 square feet.

5. Flamboyant Tree, Brazil

Image: Salete T Silva

A lush massive crown of bright red flowers punches through the summer sky, and it’s easy to see why this is called a Flamboyant Tree. Also known as a Flame Tree or a Royal Poinciana, among other local names, its scientific moniker is Delonix regia. Always a stunning sight, Flamboyant trees are endemic to Madagascar but have spread into tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

6. Dragonblood Trees, Yemen

Image: Csilla Zelko

The Socotra dragon tree is an iconic tree with a long history of commercial use. It is known only from the island of Socotra, Yemen, where it lives within remnants of prehistoric ‘Dragonsblood’ forest on granite mountains and limestone plateaus. These trees have crimson red sap that oozes from their bark. The leaves are deep green and shaped like dragon wings, hence the name. Dragonblood trees are considered sacred by the locals and are often planted near mosques and homes. While they may not be common in your area, they are worth seeking out if you get the chance!

7. The President, Second-Largest Giant Sequoia Tree In The World, California

Image: Michael Nichols

The President tree is the name of a giant sequoia located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in the United States, east of Visalia, California. The tree is believed to be at least 3,000 years old. It is not the tallest giant sequoia tree in the world with a height of about 241 feet (73 m), nor the widest at about 27 ft (8.2 m) in diameter at the base, but it is the second-largest tree in terms of volume in the world. As of 2012, the volume of its trunk measured at about 45,000 cubic feet (1,300 m3), with an additional 9,000 cubic feet (250 m3) of branches. The tree was named after President Warren G. Harding in 1923.

8. Maple Tree Tunnel in Oregon

Image: Ian Sane

You'll find an enchanting tunnel of maple trees just outside of Oregon City, nestled in the woods. The bright red leaves cover the ground and the sky. This beautiful Maple Tunnel in Oregon is one of the reasons why you should visit St. Louis in Oregon.

9. Rainbow Eucalyptus In Kauai, Hawaii

Image: jwilsonnorton

They are the most beautiful trees in the world, and grow in Kauai, Hawaii. The bark is multicolored, and new layers of bark peel off as the tree grows to reveal fresh colors. The leaves are also colorful, with bright green and deep purple on the bottom. If you’re ever in Kauai, stop by and see these amazing trees!

10. Jacarandas in Cullinan, South Africa

Image: Elizabeth Kendall

These beautiful purple trees are everywhere, and their blossoms add a splash of color to the town. They’re beautiful, turning the town into a sea of purple every spring! If you’re ever in the area, stroll under the trees. You won’t regret it!

11. Avenue Of Oaks At Dixie Plantation In South Carolina

Image: Lee Sosby

This avenue of oak trees was planted sometime in the 1790s on Dixie Plantation in South Carolina. The road winds through acres and acres of gorgeous oak trees, and it’s the perfect way to spend an afternoon exploring the area. This beautiful spot is worth a visit! The trees are massive and stunning!

12. Baobab Trees In Madagascar

Image: confitalsurf

The real emblem of Malagasy flora, the baobab is a majestic and sacred tree that counts eight species. Six of them only grow in Madagascar. “Sanctuary of nature” and “ecological jewel” are the adjectives that qualify the natural wealth of Madagascar. The Baobab, also called “reniala” (“mother of the forest”) in Malagasy, is a 100% secular Malagasy tree. Because its trunk is filled with water, the baobab is also called a “bottle tree.” The baobab trunk measures, for some species, up to 9 meters in diameter and 30 meters high. It is said that the peculiar shape of the baobab is because it would have been planted upside down, the roots toward the sky.

13. The Dark Hedges In Northern Ireland

Image: Stephen Emerson

The Stuart family planted this beautiful avenue of beech trees in the eighteenth century. It was intended as a compelling landscape feature to impress visitors as they approached the entrance to their Georgian mansion, Gracehill House. Two centuries later, the trees remain a magnificent sight and have become one of the most photographed natural phenomena in Northern Ireland. The iconic trees have been used as a filming location in HBO’s epic Game of Thrones, representing the Kingsroad.

14. 125+Year-Old Rhododendron “Tree” In Canada

Image: reddit

Most rhododendrons are considered shrubs, but this one could pass for a tree – it’s over 125 years old!

15. Wind-Swept Trees In New Zealand

Image: Seabird Nz

Slope Point is the most southern point of New Zealand’s South Island. The region is consistently lashed with fierce and cold southwesterly winds that blow up from Antarctica. The wind here is so intense and relentless that the trees are twisted, warped, and forever bent in the direction the wind blows.

16. 144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan

Image: y-fu

This magical-looking vine, which rains down pink and purple blooms, is called the wisteria (also spelled wistaria and wysteria), and this specimen is the largest of its kind in Japan. This extraordinary woody climbing vine is already 144 years old, exemplifying one of the wisterias’ most crucial features – its hardiness. Located in the Ashikaga Flower Park in Tochigi, Japan, these wisteria vines cover as many as 1,990 square meters. The vine branches, rich with vivid blooms, are supported by numerous steel poles. Visitors to the park can walk below its canopy, admiring its extraordinary beauty.

Have you seen any of these majestic trees in person? If so, we want to hear about it! Share your photos and experiences with us.

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